Our in-house test development experts provide cost-competitive test solutions, test developments and services to ensure the product features are tested and reliable.
Our Design Services (Include but not limited to):
Test Plan Development
We provide detailed test plan, test procedure and test specifications.
Design Verification and Validation Testing
Our Development Phase involves Engineering Verification Testing and Design Validation Testing which checks the feasibility and robustness of the features of the product respectively.
Prototyping and Product Certification
We have experience developing the product starting with Prototypes until they are tested for Compliance as part of the product’s regulatory and certification requirements prior to Mass Production.
RF Testing System
RF Testing which involves characterization and evaluation of antenna, wireless modules and systems.
Manufacturing Jigs and Fixtures
We design custom-made client-specific mechanical test jigs and test fixtures to aid in testing with little human involvement for less human errors.
EMI/RFI Shielding
Many components are susceptible to external interference. To prevent this, appropriate shields are constructed to filter out unwanted radiation and noise.
Pre-Compliance and Compliance Testing
Every product prior to Mass Production needs to undergo Pre-Compliance and Compliance Testing for Product Certification before it enters any market.
Software Unit/Integration/Function Testing
Individual software modules are merged and tested as a group to examine if any of the modules may have possible conflicts.
We are not just your supplier. We are your partner. When we exceed your expectations, we have met our own.  
The Research and Design
For Hire Company